  • 蔡佳麟 & 陳怡婷 - 袂當無你..mp4

    蔡佳麟 & 陳怡婷 - 袂當無你..mp4

  • 陳怡婷 & 李嘉 - 愛我三分鐘.mp4

    陳怡婷 & 李嘉 - 愛我三分鐘.mp4

  • 交流賽 郭婷筠 & 陳怡婷-一個人的心事.mp4

    交流賽 郭婷筠 & 陳怡婷-一個人的心事.mp4

  • 53 #91等待舞伴.MP4

    53 #91等待舞伴.MP4

  • 52 #90自作多情.MP4

    52 #90自作多情.MP4

  • 51 #89風中的蠟燭.mp4

    51 #89風中的蠟燭.mp4

  • 50 #88放捨你我心嘸甘.mp4

    50 #88放捨你我心嘸甘.mp4

  • 49 #87將我放心肝.mp4

    49 #87將我放心肝.mp4

  • 48 #86明知已經無緣.mp4

    48 #86明知已經無緣.mp4

  • 47 #85我愛的人不是愛我的人.mp4

    47 #85我愛的人不是愛我的人.mp4

  • 46 #84手下留情.mp4

    46 #84手下留情.mp4

  • 45 #83愛到坎站.mp4

    45 #83愛到坎站.mp4

  • 44 #82看破的夢.mp4

    44 #82看破的夢.mp4

  • 43 #81圍巾.mp4

    43 #81圍巾.mp4

  • 42 #80一個人愛過一個人.wmv

    42 #80一個人愛過一個人.wmv

  • 41 #79悲情歌聲.mp4

    41 #79悲情歌聲.mp4

  • 40 #78愛到抹凍愛.mp4

    40 #78愛到抹凍愛.mp4

  • 39 #77約束.mp4

    39 #77約束.mp4

  • 38 #76感情變負擔.flv

    38 #76感情變負擔.flv

  • 37#75 找無你.flv

    37#75 找無你.flv

  • 36 #74咖啡.wmv_(HQ).mp4

    36 #74咖啡.wmv_(HQ).mp4

  • 35 #73心狠手辣 .mp4

    35 #73心狠手辣 .mp4

  • 34 #73啞吧情歌.mp4

    34 #73啞吧情歌.mp4

  • 33 #72請借問心愛的人.mp4

    33 #72請借問心愛的人.mp4

  • 32 #72失戀雨.mp4

    32 #72失戀雨.mp4

  • 31 #71生死戀mp4.mp4

    31 #71生死戀mp4.mp4

  • 30 #71咱的一生咱的愛mp4.mp4

    30 #71咱的一生咱的愛mp4.mp4

  • 29 #70不顧一切.flv

    29 #70不顧一切.flv

  • 28 #70愛人這薄倖.flv

    28 #70愛人這薄倖.flv

  • 27 #69落雨聲.flv

    27 #69落雨聲.flv

  • 26#69 我的所在我的人.flv

    26#69 我的所在我的人.flv

  • 25 #68RADIO的點歌心情.flv

    25 #68RADIO的點歌心情.flv

  • 24 #68原來你不識愛過我.flv

    24 #68原來你不識愛過我.flv

  • 23#67 衛冕賽-人生的歌

    23#67 衛冕賽-人生的歌

  • 22#67 資格賽-傷心的所在

    22#67 資格賽-傷心的所在

  • 21#66 衛冕賽-女人的故事

    21#66 衛冕賽-女人的故事

  • 20#66 資格賽-傷心夜都市

    20#66 資格賽-傷心夜都市

  • 19#65 衛冕賽-風醉雨也醉

    19#65 衛冕賽-風醉雨也醉

  • 18#65 資格賽-想起伊

    18#65 資格賽-想起伊

  • 17#64 衛冕賽-無情人請你離開

    17#64 衛冕賽-無情人請你離開

  • 16#64 資格賽-半包菸

    16#64 資格賽-半包菸

  • 15#63 衛冕賽-野草亦是花

    15#63 衛冕賽-野草亦是花

  • 14#63 資格賽-孤單酒

    14#63 資格賽-孤單酒

  • 13#62 資格賽-不通將阮放

    13#62 資格賽-不通將阮放

  • 12#61 資格賽-愛到這為止

    12#61 資格賽-愛到這為止

  • 11#60 資格賽-愛你愛甲心痛

    11#60 資格賽-愛你愛甲心痛

  • 10#59 衛冕賽-收不回的愛

    10#59 衛冕賽-收不回的愛

  • 9#59  資格賽-伴阮過一生

    9#59 資格賽-伴阮過一生

  • 8#58 資格賽-感謝無謝人

    8#58 資格賽-感謝無謝人

  • 7#57 資格賽-苦是無塊換

    7#57 資格賽-苦是無塊換

  • 藝人交流:演唱-愛你的記號


  • 6#25 資格賽-雨傘情

    6#25 資格賽-雨傘情

  • 5#24  衛冕賽-傷心第四台

    5#24 衛冕賽-傷心第四台

  • 4#24  資格賽-借問你的良心何在

    4#24 資格賽-借問你的良心何在

  • 3#23  資格賽-愛你無條件

    3#23 資格賽-愛你無條件

  • #13  藝人交流:與偉中合唱-情深深

    #13 藝人交流:與偉中合唱-情深深

  • 2#14 資格賽-感情放一邊

    2#14 資格賽-感情放一邊

  • 1#13 資格賽-苦酒若喉

    1#13 資格賽-苦酒若喉



  • 小涵
    小涵 2013/03/09 21:53


  • 葉青峻
    葉青峻 2021/03/10 11:13

    晶片處理高度有序化的本質增加了對不同處理步驟之間度量方法的需求。晶片測試度量裝置被用於檢驗晶片仍然完好且沒有被前面的處理步驟損壞。如果If the number of dies—the 積體電路s that will eventually become chips—當一塊晶片測量失敗次數超過一個預先設定的閾值時,晶片將被廢棄而非繼續後續的處理製程。
    晶片處理高度有序化的本質增加了對不同處理步驟之間度量方法的需求。晶片測試度量裝置被用於檢驗晶片仍然完好且沒有被前面的處理步驟損壞。如果If the number of dies—the 積體電路s that will eventually become chips—當一塊晶片測量失敗次數超過一個預先設定的閾值時,晶片將被廢棄而非繼續後續的處理製程。


    化學氣相沉積 (CVD)
    物理氣相沉積 (PVD)
    分子束磊晶 (MBE)
    電化學沉積 (ECD),見電鍍
    化學機械平坦化 (CMP)

    IC Assembly and Testing 封裝測試
    Wafer Testing 晶片測試
    Visual Inspection外觀檢測
    Wafer Probing電性測試
    FrontEnd 封裝前段
    Wafer BackGrinding 晶背研磨
    Wafer Mount晶圓附膜
    Wafer Sawing晶圓切割
    Die attachment上片覆晶
    Wire bonding焊線
    BackEnd 封裝後段
    Post Mold Cure後固化
    De-Junk 去節
    Plating 電鍍
    Marking 列印
    Trimform 成形
    Lead Scan 檢腳
    Final Test 終測
    Electrical Test電性測試
    Visual Inspection光學測試
    Baking 烘烤



    Device yield

    Device yield or die yield is the number of working chips or dies on a wafer, given in percentage since the number of chips on a wafer (Die per wafer, DPW) can vary depending on the chips' size and the wafer's diameter. Yield degradation is a reduction in yield, which historically was mainly caused by dust particles, however since the 1990s, yield degradation is mainly caused by process variation, the process itself and by the tools used in chip manufacturing, although dust still remains a problem in many older fabs. Dust particles have an increasing effect on yield as feature sizes are shrunk with newer processes. Automation and the use of mini environments inside of production equipment, FOUPs and SMIFs have enabled a reduction in defects caused by dust particles. Device yield must be kept high to reduce the selling price of the working chips since working chips have to pay for those chips that failed, and to reduce the cost of wafer processing. Yield can also be affected by the design and operation of the fab.

    Tight control over contaminants and the production process are necessary to increase yield. Contaminants may be chemical contaminants or be dust particles. "Killer defects" are those caused by dust particles that cause complete failure of the device (such as a transistor). There are also harmless defects. A particle needs to be 1/5 the size of a feature to cause a killer defect. So if a feature is 100 nm across, a particle only needs to be 20 nm across to cause a killer defect. Electrostatic electricity can also affect yield adversely. Chemical contaminants or impurities include heavy metals such as Iron, Copper, Nickel, Zinc, Chromium, Gold, Mercury and Silver, alkali metals such as Sodium, Potassium and Lithium, and elements such as Aluminum, Magnesium, Calcium, Chlorine, Sulfur, Carbon, and Fluorine. It is important for those elements to not remain in contact with the silicon, as they could reduce yield. Chemical mixtures may be used to remove those elements from the silicon; different mixtures are effective against different elements.

    Several models are used to estimate yield. Those are Murphy's model, Poisson's model, the binomial model, Moore's model and Seeds' model. There is no universal model; a model has to be chosen based on actual yield distribution (the location of defective chips) For example, Murphy's model assumes that yield loss occurs more at the edges of the wafer (non-working chips are concentrated on the edges of the wafer), Poisson's model assumes that defective dies are spread relatively evenly across the wafer, and Seeds's model assumes that defective dies are clustered together.[25]

    Smaller dies cost less to produce (since more fit on a wafer, and wafers are processed and priced as a whole), and can help achieve higher yields since smaller dies have a lower chance of having a defect. However, smaller dies require smaller features to achieve the same functions of larger dies or surpass them, and smaller features require reduced process variation and increased purity (reduced contamination) to maintain high yields. Metrology tools are used to inspect the wafers during the production process and predict yield, so wafers predicted to have too many defects may be scrapped to save on processing costs.[26]



